Lynda Baldwin Fine Artist
My paintings are inspired by my love for nature and the coastline. The expressions of natural landscape and abstract form have served as agents that have allowed me to gain access to the immaterial and the infinite. The combinations of color and luminosity I perceive in nature create a sense of calmness that magically ends up on the canvas. Painting is a meditative process for me. My 'technique' is to paint from the heart, I believe this is where the truth of my being lies and I try to reflect that spiritual essence in my work.

"When man, sensing the immense magnificence of nature, feels his own insignificance, he enters into this infinity and abandons his individual existence, then his surrender is gain rather than loss. What otherwise only the mind's eye sees, here becomes almost literally visible: the oneness in the infinity of the universe."

~Carl Gustav Carus

Call if you would like to make an appointment to visit my studio.

Phone (415) 990-9006

Photos by Jerry Downs - March 2008
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